New Netflix Payment Phishing Emails Appear Legitimate

Do you have a Netflix account? If so, you're certainly not alone. Since the start of the pandemic, the company has experienced unprecedented growth, and is now the video streaming service of choice for tens of millions. If you're one of those, be aware that an as yet unknown group of hackers has developed an exceptionally convincing looking phishing scam designed to harvest Netflix payment information.

The attack begins just like many do, with the receipt of an email explaining that your monthly Netflix payment failed. The email "helpfully" provides a link to what appears to be Netflix, complete with information boxes that allow you to re-enter your payment information.

The hackers took pains to make sure that their bogus email address bore a strong resemblance to the actual Netflix customer support email address. They also made sure the screen provided for you to enter your credit card information is a convincing replica of the real thing.


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